Ron VandenBoom (President FAPA) congratulates the winners of Gary and Leo's Fresh Food Gift Cards in our 2023 raffle
. Winners (L to R) are Sheila Neuwerth, Renee Ratliff and Tammie Almas. Brenda Friede on the right, represents Gary and Leo’s.The Fort Assinniboine Preservation Association is hosting a raffle this year, 2024, for three $250 Gary and Leo’s Fresh Food Gift Cards. Winners will be drawn on June 1st, 2024 at Living History Day, You need not be present to win.
Tickets are $10 each or three for $25.
You may purchase tickets from any FAPA board member and during Living History on June 1st.
Help support our efforts in preserving Fort Assinniboine. Donate today! The Fort Assinniboine Preservation Association is a 501 (C) 3 organization.